Water Shaman

Water Shaman


Inspired by a Native American prophecy as told by Lee Brown. This is my Kikuya Water Shaman.

All 4 shamans wear the same 4 colored beaded necklace, with the only differences being that the woman have a triangle pointed down and the men have the triangle pointed up. Each shaman also have a Chakana behind them as well as symbols of their elements. I painted each shaman with eyes to see spirit and a rainbow 3rd eye to symbolize the coming together of all colors.

“At the beginning of this cycle of time, long ago, the Great Spirit came down and He made an appearance and He gathered the peoples of this earth together and He said to the human beings, "I'm going to send you to four directions and over time I'm going to change you to four colors, but I'm going to give you some teachings and you will call these the Original Teachings and when you come back together with each other you will share these so that you can live and have peace on earth, and a great civilization will come about."

“To the West the Great Spirit gave the black race of people the Guardianship of the water. They were to learn the teachings of the water which is the chief of the elements, being the most humble and the most powerful. When I went to the University of Washington and I learned that it was a black man who discovered blood plasma, it didn't surprise me because blood is water and the elders already told me the black people would bring the teachings of the water..”

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