As Above, So Below

Oracle Card Deck


This Oracle Deck will be available soon with original paintings by Nik Payne and written by Brittany McAlister


The Artist

The Artist

To be an artist is to put everything you have out into the universe. To express your soul. It takes a surreal amount of dedication to your craft to be good at it, but regardless of your skill level every artist must create.



How devoted are you? Are you willing to give your heart to it? Your very existence? This man looks into the dark abyss in pain, hoping to see if his offering is worthy enough. Will the blood, sweat, and tears be enough? I wonder how many could do the same.



As disorienting it may be, I dont think your ever truly ready when entering a new phase of your life. Whether you are conciousely or subconciously it almost seems as if it comes out of nowhere. Step through the portal though, and you might be pleasantly surprised what you find on the otherside.

Trust Fall

Trust Fall

This world is full of challenges. Whenever you face your own storm I hope you have faith in yourself and trust your decisions with full confidence that everything will be okay in the end. I believe the Universe will always catch you, and is cheering for your success. So let go of it all just like this dancer, and throw yourself into the unkown. Nature loves courage.



How do you connect with your past, your ancestors, to the world around you? How do you interpret that data? We all have that desire for connection whether it be with each other or with source.



Love, whether platonically or romantically is the highest vibration. These divine beings with locked faultless eyes stare at each other in eternal bliss, needing or wanting nothing more than to be near in eachothers presence.



We will always have moments in life where we must make a decision. Some things are predetermined yes, but every timeline exists. You must create the shift to reach into the the timeline that you desire in this moment. Each time you choose will inevitably end up at the crossroads.



Time. Always moving, never staying, but somehow always standing still. A perception for humans that we are all chained to. This false hallucination outside of the human experience is consistently bending and shaping moments of our lives.

Resist all you want, time will inevitably reveal the truth and force you to grow.



“Death make angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws” - Jim Morrison, American Poet. Let the Grim Reaper be your shepherd into the unkown.




If I’ve learned one thing from my mother its that we should nurture others as much as we do ourselves, and if I’ve learned one thing from mother nature its that we should take care of our surroundings so that it may take care of us.



How much do you enjoy your boundaries? Are they helping or hurting you? This woman, although she is wrapped in thorny vines, seems to almost relish in her pain. This mystic woman enjoys her boundaries, and you can see that as she smiles back at you with acceptance of the pain that it may bring.

Liminal space

Liminal Space

Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Persephone the Queen of the Underworld? Well, it was probably a lie.

Here we have Hecate the Goddess of Magic guiding Persephone the Goddes of Spring into the eerie caves of Hades as they make this tranisition between worlds. Although the Destination is Hades, and that transition can be uneasey, or even surreal.

By trusting in the divine Hecate, you can see that Persephone has complete faith in her guidance.