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I just wanna bring some color into your life.


A World Full of Color

It’s ok to dream. It’s ok to break from your black and white world. It’s ok to realize that with the bad, there is good. With each art piece, the story I create is brought to life with vibrant colors that are expressed from the soul of consciousness to my painting medium.

I grew up in both Arizona and Utah where my imagination was fueled by the duality of the sun’s rage in the desert and the crisp air of the mountains. I used art to escape the harshness of my own reality, creating and consuming anything I could get my hands on. Originally starting with black and white sketch, that all changed with a life altering trip to Peru. Shamanic journeys showed me that the world is vibrant. That we are vibrant beings. That we in fact create that vibrancy. Each piece beautifully weaves a story through these bold color palettes.

I am extremely grateful for all of these experiences, but mostly I am grateful for my family who have always supported me. Being able to express myself without judgement fosters my success today. My goal is to translate that love and support from beings and nature to the physicality using not some of the colors, but all of them.


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